
Declining Balance Depreciation Formula & Example

declining balance depreciation formula

To calculate depreciation under a declining method, multiply the book value of an asset at the beginning of the fiscal year by a multiple of the straight-line rate of depreciation. Examples of declining balance methods are the 150% declining balance method and the double declining balance method. Declining balance method of depreciation is an accelerated depreciation method in which the depreciation expense declines with age of the fixed asset.

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An accelerated method of depreciation ultimately factors in the phase-out of these assets. Under the declining balance method, yearly depreciation is calculated by applying a fixed percentage rate to an asset’s remaining book value at the beginning of each year. In this case, the depreciation rate in the declining balance method can be determined by multiplying the straight-line rate by 2. For example, if the fixed asset’s useful life is 5 years, then the straight-line rate will be 20% per year. Likewise, the depreciation rate in declining balance depreciation will be 40% (20% x 2).

Someone on our team will connect you with a financial professional in our network holding the correct designation and expertise. For example, if the equipment in the above case is purchased on 1 October rather than 2 January, depreciation for the period between 1 October and 31 December is ($16,000 x 3/12). This is when that year’s depreciation is limited to the amount that will reduce the asset’s book value to its residual value.

Calculate declining balance depreciation

While the straight-line depreciation method is straight-forward and most popular, there are instances in which it is not the most appropriate method. Assets are usually more productive when they are new, and their productivity declines gradually due to wear and tear and technological obsolescence. For true and fair presentation of financial statements, matching principle requires us to match expenses with revenues. Declining-balance method achieves this by enabling us to charge more depreciation expense in earlier years and less in later years. As seen in the formula of declining balance depreciation above, the company needs the deprecation rate in order to calculate the depreciation. Hence, it is important for the management of the company to determine the depreciation rate that can allow the company to properly allocate the cost of the fixed asset over its useful life.

  1. The cost of an asset normally comprises depreciation and repairs and maintenance.
  2. These points are illustrated in the following schedule, which shows yearly depreciation calculations for the equipment in this example.
  3. It is the remaining book value of the fixed asset after it is used for a period of time.
  4. 150% declining balance depreciation is calculated in the same manner as is double-declining-balance depreciation, except that the rate is 150% of the straight-line rate.

Under the declining balance method, depreciation is charged on the book value of the asset and the amount of depreciation decreases every year. No, reducing balance depreciation generally does not fully depreciate an asset down to zero due to the declining nature of the expense calculations. Instead, it continues to decrease until the book value approaches the residual value or scrap value. If the book value approaches but does not reach zero software for accountants and bookkeepers by the end of its useful life, the remaining book value is often adjusted to match the residual or scrap value. The declining balance method formula shown below is used to calculate the declining balance rate (DB Rate).

Effects of the Declining Balance Method

A more common depreciation method is the straight-line method, where the depreciation expense to be recognized is spread evenly over the useful life of the underlying asset. This method is the simplest to calculate, and generally represents the actual usage of assets over time. It is also more likely to leave carrying values on the balance sheet that reflect the remaining market values of assets (though there is not necessarily a direct relationship between carrying value and market value). The declining balance method is more difficult for the accountant to calculate. This means that it takes more accounting effort, and is also more prone to calculation errors.

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Assets that face a relatively high risk of technological obsolescence progressively decrease the competitive advantage a company can gain from their use. The depreciation method used should therefore charge a higher portion of the cost of such assets in the earlier years which is why reducing balance method is most appropriate. As you can see from the above example, depreciation expense under reducing balance method progressively declines over the asset’s useful life. The declining balance method is useful for recognized accelerated usage levels for equipment that tends to be used heavily. For example, laptop computers are typically only used for a few years, after which faster laptops become available and the older ones are more likely to be replaced.

Why Reducing Balance Depreciation Matters

declining balance depreciation formula

The double-declining method depreciates assets twice as quickly as the declining balance method as the name suggests. 150% declining balance depreciation is calculated in the same manner as is double-declining-balance depreciation, except that the rate is 150% of the straight-line rate. This is usually when the net book value of the fixed asset is below the minimum value that asset is required to be capitalized (which should be stated in the fixed asset management policy of the company). Reducing balance method causes reported profits of a company to decline by a higher depreciation charge in the early years of an assets life. It is important to understand that although the charging of depreciation affects the net income (and therefore the amount attributable to shareholders) of a business, it does not involve the movement of cash. No actual cash is put aside, the accumulated depreciation account simply reflects that funds will be needed in the future to replace the fixed assets which are reducing in value due to wear and tear.

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In addition, the result is unusually low asset carrying amounts, which can give the impression that a business is operating with a lower fixed asset investment than is really the case. The following examples show the application of the double and 150% declining balance methods to calculate asset depreciation. The company can calculate declining balance depreciation for fixed assets with the formula of the net book value of fixed assets multiplying with the depreciation rate. In general, the company should allocate the cost of fixed assets based on the benefits that the company receives from them.

With declining balance methods of depreciation, when the asset has a salvage value, the ending Net Book bond issue cost journal entry Value should be the salvage value. Under Straight Line Depreciation, we first subtracted the salvage value before figuring depreciation. Net book value is the carrying value of fixed assets after deducting the depreciated amount (or accumulated depreciation).

Wendy Chandler

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